3 Things to Do Before Divorce

3 Things to Do Before Divorce

Divorces can be complicated and when it’s not amicable, it can sometimes get downright ugly. You need to protect yourself. Meeting with an attorney is in your best interest.

If you are thinking about divorce, you may want to consider these 3 things:

  1. Track expenses – as soon as you know that divorce is a sure thing, start keeping track of household income and expenses. This information will be useful to your attorney and the judge to decide how to split the assets and debts.
  2. Pull your credit report to differentiate between your personal accounts and any joint accounts you have with your spouse. Note any credit cards that are joint with your spouse as well. If you are the credit card originator, call the issuer and remove your spouse from the account.
  3. Change your passwords. The very first password you should change is your email, as when you change other passwords you will typically get an email letting you know this has been done. Ask your attorney, however, before changing passwords to any accounts you share with your spouse.

If you are just thinking about divorce or have already made your decision, call the law offices of Johnson, Sclafani & Moriarty. They will meet with you to understand your needs, explain your options, and move forward with your best interests in mind. 413-732-8356