Covid19 and Wearing a Mask

Covid19 and Wearing a Mask

Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker issued an order on Wednesday, May 6, 2020 requiring face masks or cloth face coverings in public where social distancing is not possible. This applies to both indoor and outdoor spaces and excludes children under the age of 2 and those who have a medical condition and are not able to wear a mask.

Your mask should be made of cloth, have multiple layers of fabric, should fit snugly, be secured with ties or ear loops, allow for breathing without restriction, and be able to be laundered and machine dried.

The correct way to put on or take off a mask is to not touch the front of it. Only handle the ties or straps. Wash the mask regularly and wash your hands or use hand sanitizer after touching the mask.

Want to make your own mask? This guide provides Sew and No Sew Instructions: